ChannelEngine: offer mappings
About this article
This article describes the offer mapping process on ChannelEngine.
While categorization, content mappings and carrier mappings can be optional on certain channels, offer mappings are almost always required. On most channels, the Price or Price before (re)price rules is the only offer attribute required – and it is already mapped with your default price attribute –, but this varies per channel.
For more information on the difference between offers and content, check out the What's the difference between content and offers? article.
Mapping offers
One of the most important options under the Offer mappings overview, available regardless of the channel, is the Price. By default it is mapped to your Price attribute on ChannelEngine, but it is possible to use a custom price field too. Note that the price attribute mapped is subject to price rules and repricing if enabled and/or applicable.
In the example above, mappings for the Fulfillment override, the Price before (re)price rules, the Shipping time, and the Condition are visible. Officially, third party sellers are not allowed to submit shipping costs, but any value mapped to this field is added to the final exported price.
Other possible offer attributes
- Catalog price/MSRP - often used to indicate a 'from' price on a channel.
- Shipping time
- Shipping costs
- Type of fulfillment - indicates if you are shipping the item yourself, or using an external fulfillment service such as LVB, FBA, FBC, or ZFS.
- Condition - states the condition of the product, be it new, used, refurbished, etc.
- Search terms/bullet points - available only on Amazon.
Wildcard search
The wildcard search feature in the attribute mapping allows you to quickly find the attribute you are looking for. This feature works for both custom attributes and default ChannelEngine attributes.
To use the wildcard search feature, go to a page with a dropdown related to attributes, such as the Mappings or Advanced rules pages. Click a dropdown menu and enter the wildcard character (%), preceded and/or followed by the characters from the attribute you seek. The (%) character replaces zero or more characters of any kind. E.g.: to search for all attributes that have the letters 'e' and 't', such as Height and Length, enter 'e%t' in the search bar.
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