Mirakl-based marketplaces: why is my refund not exported?
A lot of marketplaces use the Mirakl framework as a platform for their marketplace. E.g: Blokker, Conrad, VidaXL, and fonQ. This Mirakl-framework has some restrictions and requirements for when an item can be refunded, returned, shipped, and canceled. When you export (or check whether an order is eligible for) a refund, this may result in an error from the Mirakl marketplace. These errors display as a notification in ChannelEngine that contains the specific error message. To check if you have enabled these notifications, please refer to How to receive notifications article.
Error: No sufficient payable balance for the refund
One possible error for the return export to fail is "The shop does not have a sufficient payable balance for the refund".
Mirakl describes the reason for this error to display as follows:
To refund orders, sellers must have sufficient funds. The applicable balance depends on the status of the order to be refunded.
The balance impacted by the refund depends on:
- the order status
- its transaction status for the Pay on acceptance workflow
If an order has the Shipping in progress or Shipped status, the transaction line is Pending. The balance impacted by the refund is the pending balance (Balance Pending). If an order has the Received status, the transaction line is Payable. The balance impacted by the refund is the payable balance (Balance Payable). Basically, this means that if you get this error, the order (or more specifically the shipment) is not yet fully processed, preventing the acceptance of a refund.
Consequently, there are two different use cases:
- The balance amount is sufficient to cover the refund amount.
- The balance amount is insufficient and the marketplace is the only one who can validate the refund and move the balance to a negative balance. In this case, the marketplace must contact the Payment Service Provider to discuss how to manage this specific operation.
Error: This order cannot be refunded
Another possible error is "This order cannot be refunded".
Mirakl describes the reason for this error to display as follows:
To refund an order or orderline, it must be eligible for a refund. If this error is returned, this means the order or orderline is currently not eligible.
ChannelEngine does not have direct insight in the reason for this error to appear. Possibly, the order or orderline has already been marked as refunded. If the order is marked as Received in the backend and the This order cannot be refunded error is returned, you must contact the marketplaces support team to find and solve the reason of the refund not being accepted.
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