Praxis/Brico: marketplace guide
About this guide
This is a ChannelEngine guide on the Amsterdam-based Praxis and Brussels-based Brico marketplaces, which are part of the Maxeda DIY Group. Here you can find information on how to request a Praxis/Brico account, how to configure these marketplaces on ChannelEngine, what the specific requirements are, and more.
Table of contents
Marketplace-specific requirements and exceptions
Commercial information
Headquarters | Amsterdam, Netherlands (Praxis) and Brussels, Belgium (Brico) |
Area served (orders) | Belgium, Netherlands |
Area served (shipments) | Belgium, Netherlands |
Revenue | circa USD 1.3 billion (2021) |
Number of yearly visits | circa 130 million |
Website | Brico, Praxis |
Setup cost | none |
Commission | 5.8 to 14% (excl. VAT), depending on the category |
Other costs | EUR 66/month for both Praxis and Brico |
Payment | monthly on the 10th and 25th |
Product categories | DIY, gardening, home decoration, furniture, household appliances, lightning and electricity, pets |
Input language | Dutch, French |
Input currency | EUR |
Content creation | yes |
Minimum number of SKUs | no |
Advertisement options | yes |
Profile on ChannelEngine | Brico, Praxis |
How to request an account
To start selling on Praxis/Brico, fill out their Join our marketplace form.
Associated costs
Praxis/Brico does not charge a setup fee, but it does charge a monthly fee of EUR 66 and a commission fee – which depends on the product category.
To become a seller on Praxis/Brico:
- You must have a registration at the local chamber of commerce (Kamer van Koophandel in the Netherlands and Handelsregister in Belgium)
- Your products must be within DIY categories (e.g.: home improvement, gardening, etc.).
- Your products must comply with all laws in the country of sale.
- Your products must be produced under BSCI standards.
- Your products must meet sustainable quality standards (e.g.: F.E. FSC/PEFC certified wood and reduction of packaging).
Marketplace features
Supported | Not supported |
Product offers | Repricing |
Product content | Marketplace fulfillment service |
Orders | Automatic relationships |
Shipments | Sales channels** |
Returns | |
Cancelations | |
Carrier mapping | |
Refurbished products | |
HTML formatting | |
Multiple stock locations | |
GTIN matching* | |
Bundles |
* You can connect to existing product content by matching products' GTINs.
** A marketplace that supports sales channels allows merchants to list and sell products across multiple markets (e.g.: countries, regions, and states), all from the same connection.
Settings and configuration
Setting up each marketplace on ChannelEngine follows the same flow, though not every marketplace includes the steps listed below.
- Go through the Setup.
- Create a Product selection.
- Complete the Categorization.
- Set up the Mappings: content, offers, and carriers.
- Configure the Pricing: rules and currency conversion.
- Finish the Activation.
- Check the Listed products overview.
Marketplace-specific requirements and exceptions
On ChannelEngine
Praxis and Brico are Mirakl-based marketplaces, so you can connect them with ChannelEngine using a Mirakl Connect SSO account. For more information on this, check out the Mirakl-based channels: SSO authorization article.
Invoice uploads
To configure your invoice settings, click Advanced settings. You can then click the dropdown menu Enable invoice uploading, which contains the following options:
- ChannelEngine invoices - when ChannelEngine receives a shipment, it automatically generates an invoice and attaches it to the shipment before exporting it.
- Merchant invoices (optional) - when ChannelEngine receives a shipment, it exports it – even if there is no invoice attached to it.
- Merchant invoices (required) - when ChannelEngine receives a shipment, it only exports it if an invoice is attached to it. If not, you receive a notification.
- None - when ChannelEngine receives a shipment, it takes no action other than notifying you that no invoice is present.
If you select one of the Merchant invoices options, make sure to upload the invoice to ChannelEngine via the Merchant API or via the web interface. To learn more, check out the article ChannelEngine: merchant invoices.
The categorization on Praxis/Brico is straightforward, and all categories are listed in English. You can also see the full list of categories on GS1's GPC browser.
Praxis/Brico enforces strict content guidelines, therefore it is important to make sure that your products meet these guidelines before you follow the setup process.
All products (required)
Beschrijving [language country] (Description) - the product's description. This attribute supports and requires the use of HTML tags (i.e.: br, b, i, ol, ul, and div). The minimum number of characters allowed is 150. The requirements are:
- Describe the product's purpose and use. Mention what is included in the package.
- Include your product's name, type, and specifications.
- Make use of HTML tags as they increase readability. E.g.: apply paragraphs by using the br tag.
- Address customers with 'jij/je' in Dutch and 'vous' in French.
- Use a space between the value and the unit of measurement. Use abbreviations for units of measurement. E.g.: 30 kg.
- If an accessory is shown in the picture but not included in the product, make that clear.
- Description (Mirakl) - the product's description for the Mirakl back-end.
- EAN - the product's 13-digit unique identifier (i.e.: GTIN). Note that you cannot connect with the existing product content using the EAN.
Image 1 - the product's main image. The following requirements apply:
- Background - white.
- Minimum resolution - 550x550 px.
- Make sure to depict product details that create a unique selling point (USP). Additionally, your images must show how products fit into the surrounding. E.g.: a shed in a garden.
Image 2 - the URL to the product's additional image. The following requirements apply:
- Background - white.
- Minimum resolution - 800x550 px.
- Make sure to depict product details that create a unique selling point (USP).
- Indicatie wifi (Indication of Wi-Fi) - indicates if the product can connect to Wi-Fi.
- Merknaam (Brand name) - the brand/manufacturer of the product. Make sure to spell it exactly like the brand owner spells it.
- Product-ID van verkoper (Vendor product ID) - the product's SKU, usually the Merchant product number on ChannelEngine. This attribute is used to connect with your existing products.
- Producttitel (Mirakl) (Product title) - the product's title for the Mirakl back-end.
Producttitel (Product title) - the product’s title. The maximum number of characters allowed is 85 for the BE-NL and NL-NL languages, and 100 for BE-FR. The following requirements apply:
- Structure in Dutch - [brand] [product type] [serial name/number] [color] [size] [other attributes]. E.g.: GS Schroevendraaier Combi Zwart 0,7cm.
- Structure in French - [product type] [brand] [serial name/number] [color] [size] [other attributes]. E.g.: Spot encastrable fixe Briloner Attach blanc 5W.
- Brand - must always be capitalized. If a brand consists of several words, all of them must be capitalized.
- Product type - must be a singular noun.
- Serial name - must always be capitalized. If a serial name consists of several words, all of them must be capitalized. E.g.: King Size Faro. If a serial name consists of several letters and/or numbers that have spaces between them, omit the spaces. E.g.: JV183DWE.
- Attributes - must be written in lowercase. Use a minimum of one and a maximum of four attributes, listed in order of importance. Do not use spaces between values and units of measurement. E.g.: 8mm.
- USP [1-3] [language country] - the product's unique selling points (USP) or highlights. The maximum number of characters allowed is 65.
The following required attribute is common to all Mirakl-based marketplaces:
Export strategy - choose a strategy for exporting the product data. You can select from the following export strategies:
- Yes - export all of the product content to the marketplace, including its EAN (GTIN), category, and other mapped attributes. This option is ideal if you manage both product content and offers through ChannelEngine for the marketplace. Before you set this option, ensure that you map all required attributes.
No - do not export product content to the marketplace. Choose this option to keep the product content excluded from exports and only export the offers. This option is ideal if you do not want to export the product content yet, or you want to export only the product offers because the product content already exists on the marketplace.
NB: the default export strategy is Yes, even if the Export strategy attribute is left unmapped.
All products (optional)
- Breedte (zonder verpakking) in cm (Width without packaging in cm) - the width of the product without outer packaging, in cm.
- Diepte (zonder verpakking) in cm (Depth without packaging in cm) - the depth of the product without outer packaging, in cm.
- Document (Document) - the link to the product's manual.
- Energielabel (Energy label) - the product's energy label. E.g.: A+, A++.
Image 3-9 - the URL to the product's additional image. The following requirements apply:
- Background - white.
- Minimum resolution - 800x550 px.
- Make sure to depict product details that create a unique selling point (USP). Additionally, your images must show how products fit into the surrounding. E.g.: a shed in a garden.
- Galerijvideo (Gallery video) - the URL to the product's video.
- Hoogte (zonder verpakking) in cm (Height without packaging in cm) - the height of the product without outer packaging, in cm.
- Indicatie FSC keurmerk (Indication of FSC certification) - indicates if the product is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
- Indicatie PEFC keurmerk (Indication of PEFC certification) - indicates if the product is certified by the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
- Indicatie Wi-Fi vereist (Indication of Wi-Fi required) - indicates if the product requires a Wi-Fi connection to function properly.
- Korte beschrijving [language country] (Short description) - the product's short description.
- Oorsprong van hout (Origin of wood) - the region where the wood originates from, if applicable.
- Operating systeem (Operating system) - the operating system installed on the product. E.g.: Microsoft Windows, Android.
- Parent product ID - the product's parent ID, which can be used to group product variants together.
- Sale content - the product's price per unit of measurement. This attribute is used in combination with the UOM for sales content attribute. E.g.: 25.99 euros per square meter – where '25,99' corresponds to the Sale content and 'm2' corresponds to the UOM for sales content.
- UOM for sales content - the unit of measurement related to the Sale content attribute.
- USP [4-5] [language country] - the product's unique selling points (USP) or highlights. The maximum number of characters allowed is 65.
- Vereist besturingssysteem (Operating system required) - the operating system required for the device that you want to connect your product with. E.g.: this camera requires Windows 10 on the device you plan to use it with.
All products (required)
The only mandatory offer mapping is Price, which is your desired sale price.
All products (optional)
The following offer attributes are common to some Mirakl-based marketplaces:
- ECO #1-5 amount - the amount due for the eco-contribution related to the product. E.g.: 2.50.
- ECO #1-5 EPR category code - the extended producer responsibility (EPR) code that applies to the product. For a list of category codes, check out the article Providing data to comply with circular economy regulations in Mirakl's help center (note that you need to be logged in to Mirakl to access this page). E.g.: DE-WEEE, FR-DEA, etc.
- ECO #1-5 producer ID - your producer ID, received upon registering with a packaging register, such as Germany's LUCID. The maximum number of characters is 255.
The following offer attributes are common to all Mirakl-based marketplaces:
- Discount end date - the date until when the product's sale price is valid, if applicable. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZ. E.g.: 2022-12-31 23:59:59 +00.
- Discount price - the product's sale price, if applicable. This attribute must have a lower value than the Price attribute.
- Discount quantity threshold - the minimum quantity required for the discount rate to be available.
- Discount start date - the date from when the product's sale price is valid, if applicable. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZ. E.g.: 2022-12-31 23:59:59 +00.
- Leadtime to shipment - the number of days before you ship the product. By default, this is set to two. You can create your own unique rules, if applicable. For more information on this, check out the article Lead time to ship in Mirakl's help center.
- Minimum quantity alert - map this attribute to receive a notification from Mirakl if your stock drops below the threshold defined.
- Offer state - the product's condition. Find your option from the dropdown menu by selecting the fixed value to apply to all.
- Product tax code - the taxation code applicable to the product.
- Logistic class - your optional shipping class. Make sure to map it using the marketplace’s codes, not the labels visible in the front-end. These codes vary per marketplace. If this marketplace makes use of logistic class codes, they can be found below.
Code | Label | Description |
M | parcel | Regular parcel carrier |
XXL | oversized | Oversized parcels or pallets |
Carrier mapping is not required on Praxis/Brico. However, you can map your carrier to a specific list of carriers maintained by Praxis/Brico. This allows for working tracking codes in the back-end, as well as for the buyer. If your default carrier is missing, contact Praxis/Brico.
Note that if you select Unknown as the carrier, you still need to provide a working tracking code.
Praxis/Brico requires the prices to be submitted in EUR. If you do not have pricing attributes in EUR, you need to set a currency conversion.
Listed products
If you have problems with products not appearing on Mirakl-based marketplaces – especially if you are trying to create products –, check the Listed products page for more information.
You can either use the Channel status filter (e.g.: products that ChannelEngine has failed to export, such as those with an empty GTIN or that do not exist on the marketplace yet, are shown as Invalid) or the Validation and feedback tab to see all known errors for specific products.
Alternatively, you can access the marketplace's back-end and download the error report generated by Mirakl. To do so:
- Log in to the Mirakl back-end and go to Catalog, Product imports.
- Identify the latest report and click the See details button by it.
- Download the CSV file Non-integrated products report.
Additional information
Praxis/Brico uses custom return/refund reasons. ChannelEngine maps these custom reasons according to the following scheme:
ChannelEngine | Praxis/Brico |
Default | Product doesn’t work as expected |
Product unsatisfactory | Product doesn’t work as expected |
Wrong size | Product doesn’t work as expected |
Wrong product | Description not correct |
Too many products | Bought too much |
Refused (damaged) | Damaged goods |
Refused | Price dissatisfaction |
Product defect | Damaged goods |
Wrong address | Item not received |
Not collected | Item not received |
Order extra data items
When an order is imported to ChannelEngine, ChannelEngine also fetches extra data items related to the order itself – or to order lines. This extra data is specific to this marketplace. An explanation of each can be found below:
Order extra data
Key |
Conditional* |
Description |
billing_address_vat |
No |
The VAT number as taken from the channel order. |
registered |
No |
Indicates whether the buyer has a Praxis Plus or Brico card membership. |
* Conditional fields only display if the channel provided a value.
How often does each task run on Mirakl-based marketplaces?
By default, Mirakl-based marketplaces follow the schedule below:
Task | Frequency |
Export product data to marketplace | every 60 minutes |
Export product offers to marketplace | every 15 minutes |
Import product offers from marketplace | every 15 minutes |
Import orders from marketplace | every 15 minutes |
Export order shipments to marketplace | every 15 minutes |
Export returns to marketplace | every 30 minutes |
Can I map attributes on ChannelEngine and in the Mirakl back-end?
No. Mapping attributes in the Mirakl marketplace back-end interferes with ChannelEngine's content export. Therefore, it is recommended to stick to categorizing and mapping content only on ChannelEngine.
Why am I not receiving feedback on my content and/or offer exports?
Chances are you are receiving the feedback. However, different types of error report can take a couple of hours or several days to be generated:
- Offer feedback
- Error reports are mostly generated automatically, and are imported quickly.
- Content feedback
- Transformation error report - this is automatically generated, and usually imported within a maximum of one day.
- Conventional error report - this requires a manual review by the Mirakl-based marketplace, and not all do so. It can take several days for this report to be imported.
Note that the previous feedback report is not removed from ChannelEngine until both the latest transformation and conventional reports have been fully processed by ChannelEngine – or no new reports have been generated because there are no errors to report.
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