Mirakl-based marketplaces: configuring discount prices
About this article
This article describes the configuration of discount/strikethrough prices (also known as from/for pricing) on Mirakl-based marketplaces on ChannelEngine.
Table of contents
How to set up discounts?
On ChannelEngine
- Go to Mappings, Offer mappings on your marketplace.
- Make sure that both Price and Discount price are mapped. The requirements are described below:
- The 'from' price must be mapped under Price. The 'for' price must be mapped under Discount price.
- These fields cannot be mapped with the same attribute or value. There is an active validation that only sets a discount if the value under Discount price is lower than the value under Price. If this is not the case, only one price is exported.
- While Price may result in a lower price (e.g.: because a 10% discount price rule is applied), the final price may differ depending on other pricing rules set.
- Do not leave Discount start date and Discount end date unmapped. Otherwise, the offer is not exported, and errors are shown under the Validation and feedback tab. Use the following format for these attributes: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss zz. E.g.: 2021-08-25 15:33:00 +01, 2021-05-15 12:21:09 -02. If you want to set a permanent discount, use a date in the far future as your Discount end date.
- If you do not want to set a bulk discount, leave the Discount quantity threshold attribute unmapped – otherwise the export is broken.
- If you do want to set a bulk discount, the Discount quantity threshold must be set to a value higher than 1. E.g.: a value of 2 indicates that two or more of the product must be purchased at the same time for the buyer to benefit from the discount.
The 'for' value should always be lower than the 'from' value. If the 'for' value is higher, then ChannelEngine does not export any discounted pricing. If set up correctly, your product displays a discount label and a strikethrough price on the channel.
NB: the Douglas marketplace does not support scheduled discounts, so make sure to leave the Discount start date and Discount end date attributes unmapped.
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