ChannelEngine: what currency is used on orders?
About this article
This article describes what currencies are used throughout ChannelEngine, depending on the marketplaces you work with and the settings you have enabled or disabled.
By default, orders are submitted to ChannelEngine in the currency used by the marketplace you sold on. If an order is received from (which uses GBP), the original prices are also in GBP.
If your account is set to a different default currency, like EUR or USD, the currency totals are automatically converted to your default currency. Your default currency is set when your ChannelEngine account is created, and can only be changed by a ChannelEngine employee.
Converting to your default currency
To see the exchange rates used for this conversion, go the website of the European Central Bank (ECB). The exchange rates are updated once a day.
As shown above, the actual order total submitted to merchant connections is EUR 45.69, not GBP 39.42 – which is also visible.
Currency conversions and the Merchant API
If you use an implementation of ChannelEngine's Merchant API, make sure to use the correct totals. The totals on which currency conversion is applied, are the totals without the 'original' prefix. The totals with the 'original' prefix are in the original currency. If the original currency is EUR and this is also your currency, these totals should match.
{ "Content": [ { "Id": 2406, "ChannelName": "", "ChannelOrderSupport": "SPLIT_ORDER_LINES", "ChannelOrderNo": "202-0306171-XXXXXXX", "Status": "IN_PROGRESS", "SubTotalInclVat": 40.54, "SubTotalVat": 7.03, "ShippingCostsVat": 0.89, "TotalInclVat": 45.68, "TotalVat": 7.92, "OriginalSubTotalInclVat": 34.99, "OriginalSubTotalVat": 6.07, "OriginalShippingCostsInclVat": 4.43, "OriginalShippingCostsVat": 0.77, "OriginalTotalInclVat": 39.42, "OriginalTotalVat": 6.84,
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