Miravia: marketplace guide
About this guide
This is a ChannelEngine guide on the Spanish marketplace Miravia, a new platform of Alibaba. Here you can find information on how to request a Miravia account, how to configure this marketplace on ChannelEngine, what the specific requirements are, and more.
Table of contents
Marketplace-specific requirements and exceptions
Delivery by Miravia (DBM) workflow
Delivery by Seller (DBS) workflow
Commercial information
Founded | December 2022 |
Founder | Jack Ma Yun |
Headquarters | Spain |
Area served (orders) | Spain |
Number of monthly visits | 6.2M |
Website | Miravia |
Setup cost | none |
Commission | see the Associated costs section |
Other costs | none |
Payment | weekly |
Product categories | cameras, auto/motorcycle parts, fashion, cooking, DIY/gardening, electronics, erotic products, food, furniture/interior design, games/toys, healthcare, household appliances, jewelry/watches, kids/babies, musical instruments, cosmetics, shoes/bags/luggage, sports equipment, office supplies/professional equipment, telecommunications equipment, video games |
Input language | English, Spanish |
Input currency | EUR |
Content creation | yes |
Minimum number of SKUs | no |
Advertisement options | no |
Profile on ChannelEngine | Miravia |
How to request an account
To start selling on Miravia, contact them to request a seller registration form. You are then asked to share the following documentation with Miravia to verify your business:
- Official company registration documents
- Valid brand certificate or brand authorization documents
After an internal review process, Miravia contacts you to discuss the initial configuration of your seller account. You can find more information about the application process on the Miravia page How to officially register. To speed up the registration process, consult the article Most common errors when completing the registration process (KYC).
Associated costs
Miravia does not charge a setup or a monthly fee, but it does charge a commission fee ranging from 5% to 15% on each sale – based on the product category. You can find an overview of commission rates per product category on the Miravia website: Comisiones Para Tiendas Oficiale.
Marketplace features
Supported | Not supported |
Product content | Repricing |
Product offers | Cancelations (merchant) |
Carrier mapping | Sales channels |
Returns (marketplace) | Returns (merchant) |
Product variations (sizes/colors) | |
Shipments* | |
Orders | |
Product content | |
HTML formatting | |
Marketplace fulfillment service | |
Cancelations (marketplace) ** | |
Multiple stock locations |
* Shipments can be split, but shipment lines cannot be split.
** Orders with the status Ready to ship cannot be canceled.
Settings and configuration
Setting up each marketplace on ChannelEngine follows the same flow, though not every marketplace includes the steps listed below.
- Go through the Setup.
- Create a Product selection.
- Complete the Categorization.
- Set up the Mappings: content, offers, and carriers.
- Configure the Pricing: rules and currency conversion.
- Finish the Activation.
- Check the Listed products overview.
Marketplace-specific requirements and exceptions
On Miravia
To set up your Miravia marketplace, you need to obtain your API seller ID from the Miravia seller platform under My account, Settings.
On ChannelEngine
Go to the Setup page of your Miravia marketplace and enter the value you obtained from Miravia into the Seller ID field. Click Authorize to authenticate the connection, and the remaining fields in the Connection section are auto-filled.
Advanced settings
The following additional settings are available for configuration in the Advanced settings section:
- Set orders to closed after import - enable this setting to have ChannelEngine automatically close imported orders. This setting is relevant if you only use ChannelEngine to import offers and do not use it to import stock and shipments, and do not want stock reservation to apply to new orders.
- Use grandparent products - if this setting is enabled, a grandparent-parent-child relationship is used to group size and color variations of the same product on Miravia. This setting must be enabled if you intend to create variations. Note that if you enable it without having a grandparent SKU in a product family, only a parent SKU, the content export may not work. Make sure to carefully review your product family structures when including them in the product selection.
Pack order after import - enabling this setting means that, as soon as a new order is imported into ChannelEngine with the payment status Paid or Payment pending, ChannelEngine immediately sends a Packed status back to Miravia. The order status is In progress on ChannelEngine as soon as you acknowledge it. This setting is designed to allow merchants extra room to process and pack orders, as Miravia has strict handling times and may impose penalties for orders which are left with the status New on Miravia for too long.
NB: it is recommended to enable this option even if you choose to use your own fulfillment service instead of delivery by Miravia (DBM). It is also advisable to check with your Miravia account manager what the time frame is for processing orders – and the specific penalties you stand to incur for missed processing deadlines. - Realtime shipment import - this setting forms part of the DBM flow, which is discussed in more detail in the section Delivery by Miravia (DBM) workflow. It is recommended that you only enable this setting if you intend to use Miravia's fulfillment service.
- Product extra data aspects - select a custom field from the dropdown menu, and this field is reported as product extra data information.
Fulfillment types
Per each of your Miravia marketplaces on ChannelEngine, you can decide if you want to fulfill orders yourself (Delivery by Seller, DBS) or if you want to use Miravia's own last-mile delivery service (Delivery by Miravia, or DBM).
Miravia has a list of over 5,500 categories, but categorization is straightforward and all categories are available in English.
All attributes are in Spanish and English. There is no offer matching on Miravia, meaning that all products have their own unique product display page on the marketplace. Attributes can be mapped for both parent and child products, and the product relationship affects the attributes that are available for mapping. We advise you to include parent products in the product listing, so they can be properly mapped. Only child products are assigned an SKU on Miravia, and parent products are assigned an Item ID. If the advanced setting Use grandparent products is enabled, you must include the grandparent products in the product listing.
New child products can be uploaded to Miravia, but an existing child product must be referenced – as opposed to referencing the parent product. It is therefore necessary to first have a child product available to reference. For single products, a parent product with a child product is created. To group size and color variants of the same product under one product on Miravia, enable the advanced setting Use grandparent products.
All products (required)
Image 1 - the main product image. Miravia does not impose a long or strict list of image requirements. However, you should follow conventional marketplace guidelines when it comes to images. The image requirements for Miravia are as follows:
- Maximum file size - 5 MB
- Maximum dimensions (height x width) - 5,000x5,000 px
- Minimum dimensions (height x width) - 330x330 px
- Supported image formats - JPG, PNG, WEBP
- Brand - the brand of the product, which can be selected from the fixed value dropdown.
- Name - the name of the product displayed to prospective buyers in listings. Miravia does not require any special formatting or impose any strict validation on naming products, but you should follow conventional marketplace guidelines and double-check product names for clarity, spelling errors, and special characters.
Package dimensions (height, length, width, and weight) - the dimensions of the product in centimeters and kilograms, up to two decimal places. Miravia does not accept values containing more than two decimal places, and including such values in your product feed results in errors.
NB: if you are using Miravia's DBM, pay special attention to package dimensions. This impacts the information sent to the carrier (which is GLS, in most cases), and the type of shipping label requested.
All products (optional)
- Image 2-8 - additional product images. For the requirements, see Image 1.
- Delivery option (economy, express, and standard) - the specific delivery instructions per product, applicable if you are using DBM. Values should be mapped against the delivery method you have specified in your Miravia backend (Account, Settings, Delivery service). Note that economy delivery is disabled by default for all merchants, and unavailable for official brand merchants. Only eligible merchants are able to subscribe to express delivery services. Standard delivery is enabled by default for all merchants, and cannot be disabled.
- Hazmat - hazardous material contained in the product (e.g.: liquid, flammable, magnet, and battery). Failing to mention hazardous material may result in an additional shipping fee or failed delivery.
- Short description - a short description of the product that lists the main selling points and features. Supports ul and ol HTML tags.
Long description - a detailed description of the product. Supports URLs (as long as they are publicly accessible) and displays them at full size. It also supports HTML formatting via the following tags:
<a>, <area>, <b>, <bgsound>, <big>, <blink>, <blockquote>, <br>, <caption>, <center>, <cite>, <col>, <colgroup>, <dd>, <div>, <dl>, <dt>, <em>, <font>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <hr>, <i>, <img>, <li>, <listing>, <map>, <marquee>, <nobr>, <ol>, <p>, <pre>, <small>, <spacer>, <span>, <strike>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <table>, <body>, <td>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thread>, <tr>, <u>, and <ul>
- Video - for uploading a publicly-accessible video URL.
- Package content - description of the contents of the package.
- Color family - the main color family the product belongs to. This attribute, alongside Size, is the control attribute to create product variants. E.g.: beige, black, blue, bronze, brown, gold, etc.
- Size - the size of the product, as selected from a list of fixed values. Alongside Color family, this attribute is used to create product variants. E.g.: small, medium, large, etc.
It is only possible to specify a base price and a special price on Miravia. There is no currency conversion applicable, as all prices on Miravia are in EUR.
All products (required)
- Price - the base selling price of the product.
All products (optional)
- Special price - the reduced price of the product during promotions or sales.
If you are using Miravia's DBM, Miravia determines which carrier to use to fulfill orders and creates the shipping label. In the majority of cases, DBM parcels are shipped via GLS.
If you are taking care of your own fulfillment process (DBS), it is recommended to map your chosen carrier to the carrier set up as default in your Miravia account. In most cases, this is likely to be GLS – unless you have a pre-existing agreement regarding carriers with Miravia. If you are not sure, contact your Miravia account manager to clarify what your default carrier is.
Shipping labels
In order to request shipping labels, ChannelEngine must export the exact name of the marketplace (i.e.: Miravia) – otherwise the request fails. The Method name should be added to the Your shipping method column, and the Marketplace name should be added under the Channel column (as shown below).
Note that the customer delivery country is set to All countries when using shipping labels. If this rule is not set, the real-time export is not triggered.
Miravia is a marketplace that has frequent promotional events and flash sales. During such events, ChannelEngine is not able to send updates for prices, only for stock. If your price updates are not being reflected, check that there is not an ongoing promotional event taking place.
Listed products
Miravia does not provide much feedback other than to confirm that all required attributes have been mapped for both parent and child products. If you need information regarding the status of a product, contact your Miravia account manager for guidance.
Delivery by Miravia (DBM) workflow
Miravia offers its own last-mile delivery service, Delivery by Miravia (DBM). Using DBM requires a different, more complex workflow for processing shipments on ChannelEngine in order to comply with Miravia's strict deadlines for processing and packing orders.
DBM specific settings
Using the DBM fulfillment type requires you to have enabled the following advanced settings:
- Pack order after import
- Realtime shipment export
An explanation of each of these settings can be found in the Setup section of this article.
DBM order workflow
- The online buyer places an order on Miravia. When the order status is paid or payment pending, the order is imported into ChannelEngine.
- When the new order is fetched by ChannelEngine, ChannelEngine informs Miravia straightaway that the order is Packed. This is designed to allow you more time to pick, pack, and process your orders and to prevent Miravia from deciding that the order is on status Pending for too long. This avoids the possibility that you incur penalties for not processing orders within their deadline.
- When you acknowledge the order, the status changes from New to In progress on ChannelEngine.
DBM shipments workflow
When you use fulfillment type DBM, Miravia determines the carrier and creates the shipping label for your orders. In most cases, the carrier used by Miravia is GLS. In order to obtain the shipping label, an empty shipment needs to be sent by ChannelEngine to Miravia, and then an API call is made to obtain the tracking information and shipping label.
- Create a shipping method on ChannelEngine (Settings, Shipping methods) named DBM or Miravia. Enable the setting Tracking code required for the newly created shipping method. This method is used to create empty shipments and request shipping labels via the Miravia API.
- Map the shipment method to Miravia on the Carrier mapping tab of your Miravia marketplace on ChannelEngine.
- Create an empty shipment for the new, acknowledged order and use the DBM/Miravia shipping method. Do not mention a tracking code or tracking URL yet.
- ChannelEngine calls the Miravia API and requests the shipping label for the order. This call does not change the status of the order on Miravia.
- Obtain the shipping label from the ChannelEngine Merchant API endpoint GET
/v2/orders/{merchantShipmentNo}/shipping label
or download it from the order detail page. - Once you have sent your empty shipment, your warehouse picking and packing activities can resume.
- When the order is packed and you are ready to process it, access the shipping label from Miravia and copy the tracking code for the order.
- Send an updated shipment for the order, only this time enter the tracking code taken from the Miravia shipping label. This marks the order as Complete on ChannelEngine, which triggers an update to Miravia to change the status to Ready to ship.
- The Ready to ship status informs Miravia that the carrier may come and collect the order from your warehouse.
Delivery by Seller (DBS) workflow
Compared to the DBM workflow, the Delivery by Seller (DBS) workflow is significantly less complex and follows the same flow as any other marketplace:
- After packing the order, create the shipment and enter the carrier and tracking code as usual.
- Once the shipment is created, ChannelEngine marks the order as Ready to ship and sends the status update plus tracking code back to Miravia.
- ChannelEngine informs Miravia when the parcel is marked Order collected. On ChannelEngine, the shipment receives the Exported status.
- Miravia automatically updates the shipment status to Delivered seven days after export.
It is recommended that you enable the advanced settings option Pack order after import even if you are using the fulfillment type DBS. This allows you as much time as you need to process your orders and complete your usual warehouse activities, without running the risk of incurring late processing penalties from Miravia.
Additional information
Product statuses
The following product status changes apply to DBS orders only:
- Miravia orders with the status Unpaid are imported into ChannelEngine as Awaiting payment.
- Miravia orders with the status Pending are imported into ChannelEngine as New.
- When an online buyer places an order but the payment is incomplete, Miravia withholds the stock for 30 minutes, after which time the stock is released. The following status is then:
- Pending - the buyer's payment was successfully completed. On ChannelEngine, the status changes from Awaiting payment to New.
- Canceled - the buyer's payment was rejected or aborted. The order changes on ChannelEngine from Awaiting payment to Canceled.
Order extra data items
When an order is imported to ChannelEngine, ChannelEngine also fetches extra data items related to the order itself – or to order lines. This extra data is specific to this marketplace. An explanation of each can be found below:
Order extra data
Key | Conditional* |
Description |
DeliveryInfo |
Yes |
Contains the parcel IDs for the order when the advanced setting Pack order after import is enabled. |
* Conditional fields only display if the marketplace provided a value.
Order line extra data
Miravia is a promotion-based marketplace that frequently runs flash sales or makes discount codes available for buyers. If an order has discount vouchers applied to it, this is reported in the extra data of each applicable order line. There are two types of vouchers reported in order line extra data:
Miravia voucher code - reported in the order line extra data as
. - Seller's own issued voucher or promotional code - reported in the order line extra data as
It is very important that you do not include the VoucherPlatformAmount
in your accounting activities, as Miravia effectively issues a credit note on the order for the reported amount. Only the seller voucher amount should be taken into account.
Why do my pre-orders shipments return an error?
Although Miravia supports pre-orders, it does not include a date in the payload in these cases – which in turn causes shipment exports from ChannelEngine fail. The team at Miravia is aware of this issue, but there is no estimate regarding its solution. The recommended workaround is to handle pre-order shipments directly in the Miravia back-end.
What is the process to create or update content on Miravia?
ChannelEngine submits your new content to a validation endpoint in Miravia's system. Miravia reviews the content and provides any necessary feedback, which is then listed on the Listed products page of the marketplace on ChannelEngine.
Once you address these improvements and no further feedback is provided, ChannelEngine submits the content to the right endpoint so your products are created or updated accordingly. For more information, contact Miravia's support.
Can I have more than one instance of Miravia on ChannelEngine?
Yes, you can have multiple Miravia marketplaces in your ChannelEngine tenant, provided that each marketplace is linked to a different Miravia account. Note that instances are not country-specific, and that the marketplace only operates in Spain.
From where can I ship Miravia orders?
Miravia only operates in Spain. Products can be shipped to Spain from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Spain.
How often are tasks performed?
Task | Frequency |
Export product data | every 60 minutes |
Export product offers | every 15 minutes |
Import orders | every 20 minutes |
Export shipments | every 60 minutes |
Import returns | every 60 minutes |
Import product statuses | every 30 minutes |
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