Wayfair: why do all orders have the order date time 00:00?
NB: this article is due to be archived. You can find the latest version in the FAQ section of the Wayfair: marketplace guide.
If you check your Wayfair orders in ChannelEngine, you may have noticed that all orders have the 00:00 timestamp.
This is because Wayfair does not supply a specific order time for new orders. As the time is left empty, this is automatically displayed as 00:00. Unfortunately, there is no way for us to get the true order and therefore Wayfair orders will always show the time as 00:00 (until Wayfair changes something on their end).
Customers sometimes ask us why we do not change this date to the DateTime when we created the order. While this is a valid request, we do not do this because this could cause issues (having a complete wrong date) in the following scenarios:
- When Wayfair is having issues with exporting orders via their API connection.
- When ChannelEngine is having issues with importing the orders from Wayfair.
- When an order is placed around 23:59/00:00. In that case, the order date could be day 1, but ChannelEngine's created date on day 2. If your logistic has a cut off time around that moment, this will pose issues for the orders affected.
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