Allegro: how to set up shipping time and costs
About this article
This article describes how to configure shipping (transit) times and costs on Allegro.
Table of contents
Create shipping (delivery) templates
Total shipping time/expected delivery time
For many marketplaces, you can configure shipping costs and transit time via offer mapping attributes. In the case of Allegro, however, you need to create shipping templates that allow you to configure the following shipping options:
- Shipping countries and/or region(s)
- Address types
- Shipping costs
- Transit times (excluding handling time)
NB: when creating shipping templates you can also set some additional courier/delivery settings. This is not to be confused with the carrier on the shipping label which states who is responsible for shipping that specific order. It does not state anything about the information and conditions you set up in your shipping template.
Create shipping (delivery) templates
To create shipping templates on Allegro:
- Log into your Allegro account.
- Go to Sale, and click my sell (Polish: Moja sprzedaz).
- In the left panel, click Delivery settings (Polish: Ustawienia dostawy).
- Here you can set for example the threshold for free delivery or same-day shipping conditions. The actual shipping (or delivery) template that's used is set at the Delivery price lists (Polish: Cenniki dostaw).
To create a new "Price list", select the big orange button labeled Add a new price list (Polish: Dodaj nowy cennik) or you can edit an existing one via the Change (Polish: Zmien) option. -
In these price lists you can set your default courier (please note that could still ship with another carrier if needed), the costs you charge per package, what countries are supported for delivery, etc.
Remember to pick a sensible name, because you need exactly these names to connect your offers in ChannelEngine to these shipping templates.
Mapping in ChannelEngine
To map the correct shipping template to be used on your offers from ChannelEngine, navigate to Mappings, Content mappings, Shipping rate name.
You can use a fixed value to enter the name of the shipping template (group), OR, if you want to use multiple shipping templates, you can use smart rules to set these based on specific characteristics (like an attribute value).
Total shipping time/expected delivery time
The total shipping time for Allegro is based upon the handling time (the time it takes from accepting the order to handing the package over to the carrier) you set up in ChannelEngine with the transit time added. This handling time can also be set in the Content mappings.
The transit time is fixed by Allegro based on the carrier options and countries you select in the shipping template. More information on this total shipping time can be found here: Allegro: expected delivery time for shipments outside Poland (in Polish).
- Order date: Monday 19/04/2021
- Warehouse location: The Netherlands
- Shipping to: Poland
- The handling time is set to 1 in the mappings.
- The shipping template states 3-4 days for shipping to Poland.
Expected delivery date = Thursday 23/04/2021 - Friday 24/04/2020 (only working days are considered delivery days in case there is a weekend in between). After this date is passed, Allegro will consider the shipment 'late' and it will have an impact on your metrics.
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