OTTO Market: marketplace guide
About this guide
This is a ChannelEngine guide on the Hamburg-based marketplace OTTO Market. Here you can find information on how to request an OTTO Market account, how to configure this marketplace on ChannelEngine, what the specific requirements are, and more.
Table of contents
Marketplace-specific requirements and exceptions
Commercial information
Founded | 1949 |
Founder | Werner Otto |
Headquarters | Hamburg, Germany |
Area served (orders) | Germany |
Revenue | EUR 14.3 billion (2019–2020) |
Number of monthly visits | circa 60 million |
Website | OTTO Market |
Setup cost | none |
Commission | 7-18%, depending on the category |
Other costs | EUR 99.90/month |
Payment | weekly |
Product categories | DIY, electronics, fashion, films, games, garden, furniture, lifestyle, living, and more |
Input language | German |
Input currency | EUR |
Content creation | yes |
Minimum number of SKUs | no |
Advertisement options | yes |
Profile on ChannelEngine | OTTO Market |
How to request an account
To start selling on OTTO Market, you need to make sure that you meet the requirements below. Once you do, go to their registration page and sign up.
- You have a business in Germany with a German legal form and a German tax ID.
- You present yourself as the merchant to end customers (OTTO Market is not a wholesale channel)
- You offer customer service in German.
- You dispatch from a German warehouse.
- You only offer products with VAT of 19%.
- You do not use graduated shipping costs (uniform costs for all products or EUR 0 are technically possible).
- You transfer to the OTTO Partner Portal the shipment number for the outbound shipment and the shipment number for the return shipment in advance.
- You sell mainly products from these categories.
Associated costs
OTTO Market does not charge any setup fees, but it does charge a monthly fee of EUR 99.90. It also charges a commission fee, which varies from 7% to 18% depending on the product category.
Marketplace features
Supported | Not supported |
Product offers | Cancelations (marketplace) |
Product content | Repricing |
Orders | Marketplace fulfillment service |
Cancelations (merchant) | Returns (merchant) |
Shipments | Sales channels |
Split orders | |
Returns (marketplace) | |
Product variations (sizes/colors) | |
HTML formatting |
Settings and configuration
Setting up each marketplace on ChannelEngine follows the same flow, though not every marketplace includes the steps listed below.
- Go through the Setup.
- Create a Product selection.
- Complete the Categorization.
- Set up the Mappings: content, offers, and carriers.
- Configure the Pricing: rules and currency conversion.
- Finish the Activation.
- Check the Listed products overview.
Marketplace-specific requirements and exceptions
OTTO Market's authentication flow is based on OAuth 2.0.
On OTTO Market
To establish a connection with ChannelEngine, you need the Dienstleister Freigaben (Service provider approvals) user role.
- Log in to your OTTO Market account.
- Go to Einstellungen (Settings), then Nutzerverwaltung (User administration).
Select the checkbox next to Dienstleister Freigaben (Service provider approvals).
On ChannelEngine
Install and authorize the ChannelEngine public app:
- On ChannelEngine, go to the Setup page of your OTTO Market marketplace.
- Scroll down to the section Authorize ChannelEngine and click the Authorize button.
- You are then prompted to log in your OTTO Market account. Ensure you log in with a user account that has been assigned the Service provider approvals role.
- Grant ChannelEngine app all specified access scopes (i.e.: products, orders, shipments, etc.), and allow access to your OTTO Market data (i.e.: user roles, access, partner ID). If you get the "Something went wrong. Please try again" error, try clicking the Authorize button and logging into your OTTO Market account once again.
- On the Setup page, click Save and refresh the page.
- Once the authorization is done, the Authorize button on ChannelEngine becomes green.
After a successful authorization, you can locate the ChannelEngine app under Dienstleister (Service provider), Installierte Apps (Installed apps) in your OTTO Market account. The ChannelEngine app should have the Aktiv (Active) status.
NB: if you see the ChannelEngine app in the status Aktiv (Active), but ChannelEngine is not in sync with your OTTO Market account, an issue has occurred. Reach out to ChannelEngine support so that they reset the Installation ID. After this, you should restart the installation process. Begin by uninstalling the app, which you can do by hovering over it and clicking Zugriff entziehen (Revoke access).
Plugin-specific settings
Navigate to the Plugin specific settings section.
- In the Ship from address - country code field, add the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code of the country where you ship from. E.g.: if you ship from Germany, enter DEU.
- In the Ship from address - city field, enter the city where you ship from.
- In the Ship from address - zip code field, enter the zip code where you ship from.
The size of OTTO Market's list of categories reflects the marketplace's broad range of products, but the categorization process is straightforward – and it uses attribute names in German.
Product content
On OTTO Market, merchants provide their own product content. This includes the text, images, and features associated with each product variant. Ultimately, however, the product content which is displayed to buyers is determined based on which content has the highest customer benefit. Each time a merchant uploads new content for the same product variant (based on matching EANs), the best quality content is re-determined.
It is therefore encouraged to provide only high-quality images, product titles, and descriptions, and to provide as much feature information as possible to assist potential buyers in making a selection. this helps ensure that your content is displayed over that of your competitors and fellow merchants.
Unlike most channels, all mappable attributes are nested under the Content mappings.
All products (required)
- Brand - the brand of the product. See the section Creating brands for more information about the creation of new and existing brands in OTTO Market.
- Delivery time - the expected delivery time, in days. E.g.: 3.
- Delivery type - select the kind of delivery for the product. The options available are parcel (the most common), curbside, and preferred location (e.g.: a pick-up point).
- EAN - the 13-digit EAN or GTIN of the product. It must not start with a 2.
Main image link - the product's main image. The requirements are:
- OTTO Market enforces a minimum resolution of 500x1000 px and a maximum resolution of 4,500 px.
- The file name must not contain special characters or umlauts.
- Images must be in file type JPG or PNG and in the color format RGB color. Other formats are not permitted.
- The main image should be a cutout image. It should have a white background and contain no shadows or reflections.
- Clothing items do not have to use the cutout image as the main image – it can serve as an additional image.
- The product must make up 85% of the area in the image.
- The use of props or the inclusion of additional items in the image is not recommended.
- If a background is present, it should be a light and neutral image background (beige, light grey, white, off-white, etc.).
- The image may only show the exact product matching the description and associated product variant.
- Information about energy efficiency must be submitted in text and not included on the product image.
- Product reference - map this attribute if you want to group child products under a parent – or a grandparent, if you need to create a double variation). If you leave it empty, the SKU is used as the reference. Note that you can only use each Product reference once within your product catalog, so make sure to use a value that makes sense for all variations of the product – and does not refer to any specifics of a variation. The maximum number of characters is 50.
- SKU - your internal identifier, usually this is the Merchant product number. The maximum number of characters is 50.
- Standard price - the sale price of the product.
- VAT - the kind of VAT associated with the product. The options available are free, full, and reduced – with full being the most common.
All products (optional)
- Bullet point 1-5 - the features or highlights of the product.
- Bundle - defines if the product is part of a bundle or not.
- Description - the description of the product. The following HTML elements are supported: b, i, font, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, and em. The maximum number of characters is 2,000.
- Disposal - select Yes for OTTO Market to display information on the appropriate disposal of the product or parts of it.
- FSC certified - select Yes if the product is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
- Extra image link 1-9 - the product's additional images. For image requirements, check Main image link.
- Manufacturer - the manufacturer of the product.
- Max. order quantity - if a certain quantity of the product can be sold per customer, set the threshold here.
- Max. order quantity period - the period of time (in days) during which Max. order quantity is valid.
- MOIN - My OTTO identification number. This value must match the MOIN available in the back-end of OTTO Market.
- MPN - the manufacturer part number, if available. The maximum number of characters is 50.
- MSRP price - the product's manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP).
- Multipack - if the product is part of a set, specify it here.
- Packing unit count - the number of packages.
- Packing unit height/length/width - the package dimensions in mm.
- Offering start date - the date from when the product can be ordered on OTTO Market.
- Product name - the product's title. This should not exceed 70 characters in length.
- Product URL - the link to the product on your own website.
- Production date - the date when the product was manufactured.
- Pharmazentralnummer (PZN) - only relevant for pharmaceutical products.
- Release date - the date when the product was made available for sale by the manufacturer.
- Sale end date - the date until when the product's sale price is valid, if applicable. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD (i.e.: ISO 8601). E.g.: 2023-12-25.
- Sale price - the product's discounted price, if applicable.
- Sale start date - the date from when the product's sale price is valid, if applicable. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD (i.e.: ISO 8601). E.g.: 2023-12-01.
- Sales amount - the product's sale price in relation to its packaging size.
- UPC - if the product has a universal product code, add it here.
All products (required)
- Price before (re)price rules - the product's sale price.
Carrier mapping is required in OTTO Market, and several logistics companies are listed. However, only three carriers can be used for returns: Hermes, DHL, and GLS. Therefore, it may be preferable to stick to these three carriers when shipping too.
Finally, including track-and-trace codes is also required. Bear in mind that if you use DPD as your shipping carrier, you can only use a return tracking code from DHL.
Listed products
If you have problems with products not appearing on OTTO Market (especially if you are trying to create products that do not exist yet), check the Listed products section for more information.
You can either filter on Channel status (Invalid for all products that ChannelEngine has not exported, such as products with an empty EAN or products that currently do not exist on OTTO Market) or use the Validation and feedback tab to see all known validation/feedback errors for specific products.
Creating brands
If the specific product variant you want to list does not already exist on OTTO Market, you can create it yourself by going to Produkte (Products), Neues Produkt anlegen (Create new product), + Neue Marke anlegen (Create new brand), and then entering the brand details and trademark. It is important that you enter the trademark name exactly as it is registered, as it's not possible to change this later.
It is advised to be very sure that your brand is not already present in the system before creating a new one. You can double-check this via the drop-down Marke (Brands) menu in the Neues Produkt anlegen (Create new product) window. Enter the first letter of your brand and then check if it already appears in the list of brands that are already present in Otto.
It can take up to two hours for your newly created brand to appear on Otto, as it must be checked by Otto before it is accepted. If you are working with a service provider, it can be that the OTTO brand list is only fetched up to two times per week. It may, therefore, take a few days before you can see your brand in the system of your service provider.
Additional information
Order extra data items
When an order is imported to ChannelEngine, ChannelEngine also fetches extra data items related to the order itself – or to order lines. This extra data is specific to this marketplace. An explanation of each can be found below:
Order extra data
Key |
Conditional* |
Description |
orderNumber |
No |
The order number of the channel order. |
order.InitialDeliveryFees.Name |
Yes |
The delivery fee amount, as taken from the initial delivery fee in the channel order. The value is the name of the delivery fee. |
Order line extra data
Key |
Conditional* |
Description |
Yes |
If this field is present, it indicates that the buyer requested a disposal service as per Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) regulations. This is an optional field, and will not be present in the order lines if the buyer did not select this option. |
discount |
Yes |
If any discounts were applied to the order line, ChannelEngine subtracts the gross discount amount from the item value gross price and indicates this calculation as the |
* Conditional fields only display if the channel provided a value.
How often does each task run on OTTO Market?
Tasks run according to the following schedule on OTTO Market:
Task | Frequency |
Export product content to marketplace | every 60 minutes |
Export product offers to marketplace | every 15 minutes |
Import product offers from marketplace | every 15 minutes |
Import orders from marketplace | every 20 minutes |
Import returns from marketplace | every 60 minutes |
Export order shipments to marketplace | every 60 minutes |
Export returns to marketplace | every 60 minutes |
From October 2022, OTTO Market no longer delays the transmission of new orders by 35 minutes. Therefore, when ChannelEngine's order import task runs, it imports all new orders.
The products I loaded are stuck in the status 'Under review'. What is wrong?
Go to your OTTO back-end and check if the display restriction (DR) setting is active. If so, make sure to deactivate it. This is a safety net feature, which allows you to prepare your products for sale without exposing them to customers. Note that deactivating the display restriction can take a few working days.
How are offer rankings determined by OTTO Market?
OTTO Market takes a number of factors into consideration when determining which product offerings by which merchants to display to buyers:
- Gross sales price and discount promotions
- Shipping costs, shipping cost-related discounts via promotions (flat rate not taken into account)
- Average delivery time in days (e.g. 3-5 days vs 3-4 days)
- Selected services and their costs, e.g.: delivery to the place of installation, removal of old furniture, assembly service, and installation service. These services can currently only be offered by OTTO and therefore OTTO may be given preference in the ranking.
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